Review of “The Pit and the Pendulum” (1961)

The past Saturday pizza and bad movie night was a return to the schlock of yesteryear. Plot:In the sixteenth-century, Englishman Francis Barnard (John Kerr) arrives at a foreboding castle seeking news about his sister Elizabeth’s (Barbara Steele) recent death. His sister’s widower, Nicholas Medina (Vincent Price), and his younger sister, Catherine (Luana Anders), give himContinue reading “Review of “The Pit and the Pendulum” (1961)”

Review of “The Lady Vanishes” (1938)

The Lady Vanishes is a British mystery thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. Plot: In the fictional European Alpine country of Bandrika, an avalanche has delayed a train and forced a varied group of people to find rooms in a small local hotel. Wealthy English IrisContinue reading “Review of “The Lady Vanishes” (1938)”

Review of “The Invisible Man’s Revenge” (1944)

Our latest Saturday pizza and bad movie offering has a put-upon dog for a hero. That journalist guy wasn’t half-bad, but the dog got the job done, even after humans hadn’t been all that good to him. Plot:Robert Griffin (Jon Hall) returns to London by cutting himself out of a cargo bale dropped off onContinue reading “Review of “The Invisible Man’s Revenge” (1944)”

Review of “The Monster that Challenged the World” (1957)

This black-and-white monster flick is our latest Saturday pizza and bad movie offering. It was the usual fare in many ways, but atomic contamination did not spawn the monster this time. Plot: Outside a naval research base near the Salton Sea in Southern California, an earthquake rocks the seabed. Later, a seaman named Hollister executesContinue reading “Review of “The Monster that Challenged the World” (1957)”

Review of “The Invisible Ray” (1935)

This is our latest Saturday pizza and bad movie entry. I knew it was an oldie just hearing the dramatic music scored by Franz Waxman. The flick was a classic mix of science fiction and horror I’d never heard of before. The print and audio were nice and clear, though I didn’t notice a noteContinue reading “Review of “The Invisible Ray” (1935)”

Review of “Ring of Terror” (1961)

This is our latest Saturday pizza and bad movie entry, a black-and-white foray into college days. Uh-huh. Plot:The main story is framed by a graveyard keeper, R.J. Dobson (Joseph Conway), looking for his cat, Puma. He finds the feline by the headstone of one Lewis B. Moffitt (George E. Mather), with dates 1933-1955 and theContinue reading “Review of “Ring of Terror” (1961)”