Review of “America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines” by Gail Collins

This Stuff:This is a survey of the history of women in America following European colonization until the end of the 1960s. It is broad, covering some four hundred years, and seeks foremost to cover the everyday life of women from all strata of society. What was childbirth like in colonial New England? How did oneContinue reading “Review of “America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines” by Gail Collins”

Five More Books Off to the Library/Spring Clean #20

This is this week’s group of books going to the library. As always, lots of fond memories. I’m surprised I’ve had the Vonnegut book this long. I believe I read it sometime around 1990. The sad part of donating all these books is as fast as I clear off the shelves, they fill up againContinue reading “Five More Books Off to the Library/Spring Clean #20”

Spring Clean #9 Five More Books

This is the next group of books set aside to be donated in my spring clean. Happily, two of these are going to a woman in critique group I’m a member of. So nice to see books go to a happy home. One more drop-off, and I will have my second shelf cleared. “Cleared” isContinue reading “Spring Clean #9 Five More Books”